Monday, December 28, 2009

Changes in our life.

Wow, I really need to blog more often..... So I thought I would write down a pretty big change that we have just had in our family. Last Sunday we were called in to meet with a member of the stake presidency. Bryan was a little worried, but really just thought that he was being released from his calling of five years. We met with President Seaver and he first told us that what he was about to tell us was a very private matter, and that we couldn't tell anyone, not even our kids or families. Our minds were in serious confusion. Then he dropped what felt like a huge bomb on us. "Your ward boundries are going to change, and you will be part of a new ward" My throat immediately started to burn, and my eyes welled up instantly. Then he proceeded to tell us the boundaries, and then dropped the bigger bomb. That Bryan would be a counselor in the bishopric in that new ward. I was holding Bryan's hand at the time, and pretty much squeezed the life out of it. What? As if hearing the change wasn't hard enough, now he has to be in the bishopric of a ward we don't even know? My mind was racing, but the first thought was immediately about our kids. Our kids who grew up in this ward (that we've been in for 10 years), who have close friends in the ward, but mostly little Aidan who is going to primary this year with friends he did have, but not anymore. Although thankfully he will have one little friend. But they are all so shy. Then President Seaver asked what calling I had, and I couldn't even answer him. I'm the activity days leader! It has been my very favorite calling ever! I love those girls so much. It has just been thee very best calling. I had so many ideas for the new year, and just felt heartbroken. So we walked out in tears, and cried for about 2 days. Bryan may have cried a little more. Not being able to tell anyone all week was torture. Every person we saw who was either going with us to the new ward, or that we were leaving behind, we just wanted to hug. I don't like change, like not at all. Unless it's change that I make. We have been wanting to move for about 4 years now. That clearly will not happen now for awhile. It did put a little damper on our holiday though. Our hearts were very heavy all week. Then came the time to tell our kids. Poor Madison was crying with us the Sunday we found out, but didn't know why. All we could say was that dad was being ordained a high priest, and I'm afraid she will always think that's a bad thing because we were both crying. Well, we told our kids and to our dismay, they were actually excited. What? I've been in agony all week, and not even a bit of sadness? Well, okay! Our kids are much better than we are I guess. It was really quite shocking. We stared at eachother in complete amazement.
Sunday morning came around, and we both felt so nervous. We knew something that no one else knew minus like 4 other people there. We thought that they would make the announcement and sustain Bryan for the members in our ward moving on with us. But 5 minutes before the meeting, they told us they were not going to sustain Bryan. Oh the agony! We had to keep that secret for like 4 more hours. Bryan was really a mess. He was so nervous, and filled with so many emotions. Mostly tearful ones. So the time came, and although we didn't have our friends and neighbors there to support us, it sure felt like our new ward members were already supporting us. Bryan had to speak for a few minutes, and had been stressing all week because he knew nothing would come out of his mouth except blubbering words. He wasn't going to be able to hold back the tears. But he did great. He spoke quite well, and no tears. He did get choked up, but he did great. The spirit in that ward was amazing. Our new bishop is quite an impressive person. Super humble, and full of love for everyone. After the meeting, so many people came up to me to welcome us, it was quite a humbling experience. All week we worried, and were sad, but those feelings immediately left and were replaced with excitement and a confirmation that this is where we need to be right now in our lives. This new ward had been praying for a change in their ward. For more people to come, and more leadership. They were so overjoyed that their prayers had been answered. It was amazing to know that we (all of us moving into that ward, if I may) are a part of prayers that have been answered.
Our doubt, and anxiety has been replaced with peace, humility and excitment for this new change. And for me the realization that one, the Lord knows what we need in our lives. A good push to do better, and not to merely be complacent in the things I do, or don't do. And two, I needed this to help me improve my relationship with the Lord, and strive to do better in every aspect of my life. It's going to be hard, but a welcome challenge.


  1. Congrats. We are excited for you. It is a blessing to know the Lord is behind you all the way.

  2. I certainly can understand your feelings Emmmy! I am so sad not to be your visiting teacher anymore (even though I kinda sucked at it) but I also had the confirmation that the change/split was for the best. And, there are so many blessings that come from having your husband in the bishopric. Call me anytime you want to talk!
